Five years of further development in classrooms -
now completed!
Place Value Assessment Samples - Test A
Recommended for Years 3/4, or 5/6 cohorts with gaps
Recommended for Years 4-6, following mastery of the whole number assessment above
Answer sheet for the whole number assessment
Answer sheet for the decimals, factors and integers assessment
Point-of-need planning and growth-tracking spreadsheet ('2' goes green, '1' goes yellow, units are recommended in the row below each developemntal step)
Point-of-need planning and growth-tracking spreadsheet ('2' goes green, '1' goes yellow, units are recommended in the row below each developemntal step)
Place Value Lesson Excerpts from the 16 Place Value Units
Each unit is 100-200 pages with warm-ups/spaced retrieval tasks, sequential lessons with learning intentions, maths vocabulary, formative success criteria, modelling photographs, work samples photographs, misconception alerts, immediate feedback tips, questioning prompts, as well as comprehensive pre-planned enabling and extending prompts for daily in-class support and extension all year.
Example of the table of contents overview for the units focused on decimals (three units for Year 4,
Year 5 and Year 6)
Example of the first ten pages of a unit plan (Equivalent Fractions table of contents and curriculum links)
Please note: All complete units (not sample extracts) start with direct curriculum links to Australian Curriculum Version 9, Victorian Curriculum Version 2.0, WA Curriculum and the new NSW Syllabus for Stage 2 and Stage 3.
Please note: Most hyperlinks in these samples will not work, as the below documents are extracts from the full pack that contains linked templates and formative assessments exclusively available in the package itself.
Place Value
Year 3B unit extract
Rounding numbers early years revision
(common critical place value gap) with decimals extending prompts
Place Value
Year 4A Unit extract
Wonders of the World constructing and recording place values
Place Value
Year 4B Unit extract
Rounding for Year 4 (part of the unit)
Place Value
Year 4C Unit extract
Renaming and bridging numbers
(common critical place value gap on the assessments)
Place Value
Year 5D
Decimals Unit extract
Decimals warm-up and first lesson in the decimals sequence for Year 5
Place Value
Year 5A Unit extract
Creating and recording larger places abstractly with engaging links to the arts and sport
Place Value
Year 6B
Integers Unit extract
Sample of part of the integers sequence (midway through the unit)
Place Value
Year 5B Unit extract
(one of many lessons in the Year 5 rounding and number lines sequence)
Place Value
Year 6C
Prime, Composite, Square, Triangles Numbers Unit extract
Sample of the first three lessons in the sequence
New Years 3-6 Planning Package
Five years of extra development time in classrooms:
Packages to support your teams
50 brand new comprehensive unit plans - triple the size of our Early Years Package. The package includes over 500 brand new developmentally-sequenced lessons and warm-ups. These unit plans assist teams throughout the entire year of teaching, building four sequential years of learning.
Detailed extending prompts catering for advanced students who have already mastered the main content, pushing into early secondary content but also into deep and challenging problems, including over 200 multi-step worded problems linked to each unit plan.
Over 4000 photographs of explicit classroom modelling and lessons-in-action in Australian classrooms that provide teams with an in-depth insight into how to deliver each session with success. Detailed student work sample photographs also provide worked examples of what excellent mathematical recording looks like for each lesson, with students using materials and recording their working out throughout every task.
Diagnostic, formative and growth-based assessments that require students to reason, use efficient mental strategies and show working out (not just provide answers). The linked spreadsheets with formulas pinpoint both whole cohort and individual student's critical developmental gaps and next points-of-need (ZPD). This provides teachers with a clear pathway to act on this data, including linked unit plans for every assessment question. All assessments include answer guides and test A-D versions for use over multiple years.
All lessons include engaging hooks; photographs of explicit teaching using materials and student work samples; scaffolded enabling and challenging extending prompts for daily in-class intervention and extension to cater for wide ranges in the one classroom.
Over 100 new warm-ups, all integrated into each unit, with a focus on flexible mental strategies and building fluency, after understanding and reasoning have been consolidated.
Professional readings summaries and practical classroom tips at the start of every unit.
Every lesson plan includes misconception alerts, questioning prompts, immediate feedback tips, as well as detailed teaching tips.
Scope and sequences for straight, composite and multi-age settings with easy-to-follow unit timings on a week-by-week basis throughout the year, mathematical vocabulary anchor charts, unit launches and more inclusions to support each year 3-6 team's comprehensive year (and all years going forward) of hands-on, real-life, sequential mathematics.