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Created by Australian numeracy coaches and experienced primary teachers
in classrooms
Comprehensive units with engaging, hands-on lessons with pre-planned enabling and extending prompts for each developmental step throughout the early years. Developed and tried-and-tested by Australian numeracy coaches and experienced primary teachers in classrooms, forming a powerful sequence and establishing solid foundations for numeracy throughout the first three years of school.
Outright whole-school access (no expiry and no subscriptions)
This planning package supports all teachers and students at your campus forever with no yearly costs. Unlike many other resources, each package is an outright whole-campus purchase with continual access (no subscriptions that expire each year). This ensures that teams can explore and implement the resources at their own pace, providing ongoing and reliable planning support. Many schools also use the Early Years Pack for intervention support in years 3 to 6. In this way, the planning packages have been designed to support all teachers and students with numeracy at your school on an ongoing basis.
Split the invoice over two or three years at no additional cost
​To accommodate budgets of all sizes, there is the option to split the outright purchase, with school invoice payment options over two or three years (since it is a planning resource teachers can use on a daily or weekly basis for ten years or more).
Significant small school discounts
Small school discounts are available and prices are tiered by campus size - Please check the pricing for your school size using the form below.
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Pack inclusions: - 50 Early Years Mathematics Units from the start of school up to early year 3 content, including place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, money and patterning. - All lessons include engaging hooks, learning intentions, numeracy coaches modelling with materials, scaffolded support (enabling prompts) and challenging extension (extending prompts), as well as instructive colour photographs of student work samples and lessons in action in Australian classrooms.​ - Supports teams to transition from or continue to avoid worksheet-based maths and encourages more use of open-ended, hands-on lessons that build deep understanding, flexible strategies and a love of maths for students. - Developmentally-sequenced diagnostic and growth-based assessments aligned to each unit's developmental steps and each state's curriculum or syllabus content and learning outcomes for each year level. The assessments are early-years-friendly and easy-to-use, removing literacy barriers from maths assessment. - Formative assessment throughout all units and cross-checks with multi-levelled success criteria and sequential learning goals. - Over 100 strategy-building warm-up games, all built into each unit. - Easy-to-use scope and sequences including recommended unit timings for each year level. - Learning intentions and maths vocabulary for every session, with direct links to the curriculum and specific content descriptors. - Ongoing practical professional learning through evidence-based reading summaries, numeracy coaches modelling throughout all units, misconception alerts, questioning and feedback dialogue tips, and five years of full-time development in early years classrooms.
More Planning Support Resources



Selectively-chosen numeracy picture book titles with over 150 linked lessons that are in addition to those in the early years and years 3-6 planning packs.
All titles are organised by year level and arrive packed into concepts (place value; addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; fractions; measurement and geometry; statistics and probability).
Easy-to-implement hands-on mathematics package created by Australian maths leaders for over ten years. 400 low-floor high-ceiling lessons and warm-ups for years 3-6 in sequential units. Lessons start with hooks to link content to students' lives and include both extension and support variations.