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Please see a list of frequently asked questions, with detailed answers, below this form. â€‹

Top Ten Mathematics


Do you have any questions about our packages?


Please feel free to use the form on this page to request an email or call from one of our Top Ten numeracy coaches, at a time that suits you, including before or after teaching hours.

How would you like us to contact you?

Can I purchase the packs as an individual teacher? 


For the Classroom Toolbox or Numeracy Library Package with 40 books, yes, but there is no discount available (our apologies), as these are all physical resources with set costs. 

For the Early Years and Years 3-6 Packs, we apologise, only schools can purchase these packs.

t is designed as a whole-school approach, or at least a menu available to all teachers, for maximum impact. If you are interested in a more hands-on way to teach maths, but your leaders/fellow teams are not sold on it yet, please refer your colleagues to our research-basis page, which includes whole-school case studies with student engagement impacts; NAPLAN gains and growth; teacher feedback in terms of instructional confidence and pedagogy shifts we have achieved; and significant leadership feedback; as well as the research-basis of the units prior to the ten years of trials in classrooms, and much more.

Please also feel free to email us ( to see what we can organise in terms of trials, or download  free lesson samples available through each pack's individual tabs on this website. 



Is there any discount available? 


While most payments can be split over two or three years at no extra cost, that is the extent of the flexibility we have in terms of pricing. We never discount beyond what is showing on this website, for transparency and to treat all campuses equally. 


There is no discount for multiple packs - but the packs definitely work very well in conjunction with one another. For example, the Early Years Package pairs brilliantly with the Numeracy Library Package, and the Classroom Toolboxes make both planning packs considerably easier to implement by placing all the essentials at teachers' fingertips. 


​Being a maths company, we understand very well what discounting does to all the work our Australian-based numeracy coaches put into developing the sequential units for over ten years in classrooms. We also understand inflation, so every December our prices increase, but will never be less than they are now. 


The only 'discounts' are our tiered prices for small schools by campus size,  which are openly advertised on each order online page for the Early Years Pack and Years 3-6 Pack by total enrolment numbers up to Year 6. This includes sizeable discounts for very small campuses to ensure schools with different funding based on student numbers can still access the packs. 


Numbers are based on the reported census enrolment figures of the previous year. We have many very small campuses using our packs, including remote community schools that have 4 students across their entire campus, and for consistency and fairness we therefore cannot extend any small school discounts to any campus that is above the specified number of total enrolled students.


The planning pack prices reflect the significant development time in classrooms by Australian numeracy coaches and teachers. 


Is this a program? 


Many schools use our units as one, but ultimately Top Ten is a sequential menu of tried-and-tested, differentiated, hands-on numeracy tasks that can be used daily or weekly, but we do not consider any 'program' worthy of an entire approach to numeracy. 


Students need a range of experiences, and we aim to provide those through hands-on concrete materials, real-life links, problem-solving challenges, consistent questioning prompts and oral language emphasising reasoning, students recording in templates and grid books alongside materials, and a 5-minute fluency routine every morning. To that extent, we  cover the four proficiencies comprehensively, and our student gain and raw score results in challenging regions show that we can achieve whole-school impact with 98% strong or exceeding outcomes in NAPLAN - which is stronger than any Australian results that we have seen from any other 'program' or maths association to date. 


However, there are so many amazing maths resources - we honour the work of our fellow coaches and we would never want to be 'everything' a teacher uses, as they would miss out on so much more (the problem-solving challenges of NRICH, Professor Doug Clarke and Professor Anne Roche's Engaging Maths series, Professor Peter Sullivan's Challenging Tasks, Open Middle, Mindset Mathematics by Professor Jo Boaler, Estimation 180, and so on). To that cause, we try to refer to these resources wherever possible, showing teachers links to these where they fit into the developmental sequence, so teachers have prompts to access as many of the quality numeracy resources that exist around the world at their time-poor fingertips. 



Why do you have a fluency approach when this is a hands-on way of learning maths? 


Five minutes of the day is all fluency is worth, and we give away our fluency approach for free because it is worthless without deep conceptual understanding developed through hands-on numeracy tasks first. So for our member schools, the fluency routine may offer good value following the delivery of hands-on numeracy for at least one year, but for non-members, it is not worth a cent. 



Can I see the list of numeracy picture book titles before purchasing the Numeracy Library Pack?


We apologise, no, we do not make this list available, as part of our work was purchasing 300 potential titles, then trying each in multiple classrooms to narrow down the list to a selectively set of 40 tried-and-tested classics with 150 linked lesson plans. The true value in that pack is the organised catalogue by level and concept, which ensures teachers can find and access the book that matches their current teaching focus and students' points-of-need using an easy-to-navigate catalogue that means teachers do not need to read every title themselves to know which is the right fit for their class at any point in time. 


Do you work with specialist education settings?
YES - we love working with specialist settings!

Most of the specialist settings across NSW, Victoria and a growing number in QLD and WA use our Early Years Package and Classroom Toolboxes. Many of these settings have also had professional learning with us, which their leaders and teachers spoke very highly of in terms of it being extremely well suited to students' specific needs, particularly for content that is below Foundation level. 


Do you work with high schools? 

Generally not, aside from P-12 colleges or district high schools that span from K-12, or specialist education settings. Primary schools are much more fun! 


What format do the resources arrive in? â€‹


  • For the hands-on maths planning packs, the resources arrive on a USB. The USB is easy to share across your campus - we recommend that each teacher at your campus has easy access to the resources at all times by downloading the complete contents to their desktop, which maximises the functionality of all the hyperlinks and navigation links. 


  • For the Numeracy Library, the physical hard-copy books arrive alongside a USB with the lessons.


  • For the Classroom Toolboxes, all resources arrive pre-organised and pre-packed into each toolbox, ready to deliver to each classroom. 


  • All resources include free postage to your campus or preferred address. â€‹



Please get in touch with us for more information or to ask questions about the packs.



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